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About Haiou Saas Shipping System

About Haiou Saas Shipping System

Haiou Saas Shipping System provides one-stop parcel consolidation services, offering convenient shipping solutions for overseas Chinese.

Six Quality Routes

We can transport sensitive goods such as liquids, powders, pastes, live batteries, and food through various shipping methods including small parcels, postal services, commercial express, and special routes.

Warehousing Service

High quality, convenient, fast, and safe! Haiou Saas Shipping provides excellent service. Your satisfaction is our success. Equipped with an on-site operations team, we provide one-stop import and export services for customers.

Place Order

Experience worry-free shopping, whether online or offline, just paste the product link to place an order. Enjoy our seamless service, from browsing to buying, easy and convenient.

To Warehouse

Through our service, shop from multiple sellers, and we will efficiently consolidate your purchases. All items will be shipped to Haiou Saas Shipping warehouse, providing you with a convenient shopping experience.

Quality Assurance Process

Once your items arrive at Haiou Saas Shipping warehouse, they undergo strict quality inspection. Our team carefully checks each item to ensure accuracy in size, color, and more. Haiou Saas Shipping's after-sales service team will ensure your satisfaction.

Global Shipping

Select products from your warehouse inventory and easily combine them into one package. Through our reliable global shipping service, you can have your purchases delivered directly to your doorstep. Enjoy the convenience of world-class shipping.

Welcome to experience the

客户端分为:PC 网站、手机网站、手机 APP、小程序版本;

深度集成了 1688 官方跨境货盘,支持多国语言、支持实时翻译、支持以图搜图、比价、商品加价、支持汇率转换、自定义汇率、支持在线支付、支付余额支付、支持短信、邮件、Google、Facebook、Line登录;在线运费试算、物流轨迹跟踪、订单提醒、包裹转运等众多功能。


运营端涵盖:仓库桌面端、运营 APP、管理员后台;

深度集成了 1688 寻源通 API、自动一键采购(绑定支付宝帐户)、手动采购、分配采购人员、商品质量、包裹入库、合箱转运、多箱出库、邮路渠道运价配置、客户管理、财务管理、营销管理、仓库管理、对接众多空运海运第三方 API等众多功能。


此外海鸥 SAAS 支持众多硬件设备如:PDA、电子秤、打印机、摄像头拍照、录视频、快手一件机、分拣设备。

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